Acknowledging Those That Came Before…

Land Acknowledgment of the Kalapuyans

I want to acknowledge the people on whose land I have the privilege to live, the Atfalati-Kalapuyans also known as the Tualatin Band of Kalapuya. They are the first inhabitants of Washington County, who were forcibly removed from their homelands to the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation. I would like to recognize their resilience and perseverance through ongoing trauma and grief. With this acknowledgment, I hope we can become curious and learn ways to support their joy, culture, and thriving communities today. They are great examples of thriving that is possible when we are in community and connected with our ancestry. They embrace their true stories and encourage us to learn from our own people and not the descendants of those who wish to continue to oppress us.

Learn more about the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

and the art of Steph Littlebird

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Acknowledging Black Women 

I would like to acknowledge black women, who have always been at the forefront of showing up for all women while doing the work that is so often unappreciated and inadequately compensated, if at all. They work tirelessly speaking out against the inequities that exist in our society. Always working toward their liberation and the liberation of all marginalized people. They have done so much to provide me with the privilege of having a life I would not have if it were not for their leadership and sacrifices. Their resilience and ability to thrive in a society built on white supremacy continues to inspire me. My goal is to learn and teach anti- black racism and how to advocate for black liberation, which will inevitably help us all. I hope that we can provide black women with some much-needed rest, show up for them, and continue the work toward racial equity in healthcare and an end to food apartheid.

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Acknowledging My Ancestry

I would like to acknowledge the long line of matriarchs whose resilience through trauma and oppression has allowed me the privilege to be present and find a path toward emotional healing and radical self-love. My vis-abuelas Vicenta Silva de Acensio and Ofelia Cristales, Abuelitas Felicita Cristales and Gerarda “Olga” Silva, and my mama Judith Silva, are the few I can name and are the reasons I can create some safety and healing for myself, my daughters, my chosen family, and my community. Let us remember that just as those who came before us, worked tirelessly to create a better life for us in the face of oppression, we should do the same for the next generation. Be mindful that you are someone’s sacred ancestor.