Marsha Cristales-Fontaine, LPC, LMHC

I am a cis-gendered female, daughter of immigrant Salvadoreño parents, currently able-bodied, a lifelong learner, and a dedicated psychotherapist who draws inspiration from the rebellious motivating force of activism in music, and recognize its power to challenge the status quo and promote change.

It is my conviction that your Spirit heals you. Meaning, I acknowledge the spirit given to us by the Creator to move us toward self-defined healing. This is a part of each of us regardless of the trauma/distressing life experiences that moved us toward the need to control our bodies to prove that we are worthy. No matter what you’ve lived through or how broken you may believe or have been told you are, your Spirit was never harmed and is ready to have a relationship with all of you.

I embrace a non-pathologizing, culturally affirming, and liberation-based psychology model of healing. My approach draws from integrative evidence-based modalities such as EMDR (attachment-focused, somatic psychology), parts work (structural dissociation and internal family systems), narrative therapy (re-authoring your story), and others as necessary depending on where you are as you travel through this life. I advocate for body liberation and the Health at Every Size (HAES) paradigm (trademark of the Association for Size Diversity and Health). I incorporate mindfulness practices, attuned, intuitive, or practical eating, and the wisdom of our ancestors and chosen ancestors who guide our values and principles.

I strongly believe that true healing transcends the individual and encompasses the collective struggle against white supremacist societal norms that promote the thin ideal, body shaming, and food deprivation. Which were created to and continue to harm black and brown bodies, and reach all bodies regardless of race, gender, age, sexual identity, ability, body size, or socio-economic status.

Outside of my professional work, I usually spend time with my family and friends resisting racism and xenophobia by camping and taking nature walks with the affirmation that “I deserve to be in nature.” I thank organizations such as PDX People of Color Outdoors and Latino Outdoors for helping us venture back into nature with some safety. I absolutely enjoy creating through arts and crafts, visiting art or science museums, galleries, and the many awesome events in the Portland area. I enjoy listening to all types of music but feel the most empowered when listening to Punk music that is rooted in social justice, which I hope to share with you all at some point.

“Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet?”

- Malcom X “Who taught you to hate yourself” presentation in Los Angeles, May 5, 1962